So many people are "Living Their Best Life" but how do you get there??

That was the question I asked myself during the rock bottom chapter of my life. I had a plan for my life since I was a kid and I had gotten exactly what I wanted, but I wasn't happy. At 24 I was starting over, and I was terrified. I thought I had failed and time was running out. I had no idea what was next and no clue where to start. Now over a decade later, I have had my fair shares of highs and lows. I've made mistakes and learned valuable lessons. I have left a industry and career that was causing me stress and anxiety to pursue a career i'm passionate about.I have let go of expectations and overcame my fears of judgement. I have redefined what living my best life means for me and i'm living it everyday.

Feeling overwhelmed? Anxious? Stressed? Terrified? I've been there! Trust me, I've been the girl with the "picture perfect life" and believe me when I tell you, it was everything BUT perfect. When I finally let go of the facade, let down my guard and asked for help, that's when change started to happen. If you are in a chapter of your life where you feel stuck, or lost, if you are going through a major life change in your relationships or your career, or your graduating from high school to college, college to the real world or maybe you're in your 20's or 30's and you want to start over

- i'm here to help!

As your self discovery coach i'm here to guide you as you navigate through some big life changes. To ask you the important questions, to get you to dig deeper and uncover the answers inside you. I'll help you discover what's holding you back, support you, empower you and hold you accountable to your goals!

So take a deep breath. Relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw and know that you're in the right place! You're reading this because you want to see change and you want to better yourself. That's possible. You can do this and i'll be there to guide you as we discover your path to living your best life.

Xo Meg

Services Offered

Let's Connect

30 Minute Discovery Call

An opportunity for me to hear more about YOU! This 30 minute call allows me to get to know you, hear what your goals are & see if coaching is the right path for you.

Assessment with Debrief

If you're looking to deepen your understanding of self and others, better your relationships, explore a new career or develop your leadership skills - these assessments are a great place to start!

One on One Coaching

If you are ready to commit, take action and make a change in your life. If you're ready to figure out who YOU are + what YOU truly want from life

I can help you get there!

I'd love to hear from you!

If you have any questions, want to explore coaching or just have some insights/comments or feedback you want to share please connect with me below!

Emails will be answered within 24 hours!


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